An investment firm driven by the pursuit of value.
Athena Global Investors is an independent investment firm which employs a disciplined, value-oriented approach to investing. The firm manages portfolios for institutional clients.
Athena Global Investors was formed in March 2009 in the midst of one of the most challenging economic environments in modern history. At that time, virtually no asset class globally was spared from disappointment, with investment returns turning negative on a 1-year, 3-year, 5-year and even 10-year annualized basis. We founded Athena with the idea that coming out of the crisis there would be enormous, perhaps once-in-a-lifetime, investment opportunity.
Despite controversy over the virtues of a buy-and-hold approach, it has never been more appropriate to re-affirm and re-apply the core principles of disciplined value investing with a long term view. Our investment process is based on the conviction that rigorous research and bottom up analysis conducted by experienced investment professionals in an open and collaborative setting yield positive outcomes in investment results. By removing the obstacles of hierarchies and organizational complexities that afflict many larger firms, we operate in an environment where ideas can flow freely.
Our mission is to deliver superior, risk-adjusted investment returns to clients over the long term. Because we emphasize stock-picking, not marketing, the firm has limited the number of clients it serves.
Adherence to a disciplined value investing strategy means that we focus on discrepancies between a company's intrinsic value and the discounted price of its securities. Investing in under-appreciated companies and industries will be rewarded as securities prices eventually reflect intrinsic value.
Athena Global Investors is based in Reston, Virginia and was founded by Karen A. Miller. After 18 years as a portfolio manager and analyst with the Capital Group Companies, Ms. Miller left in late 2008 to pursue her dream of building a boutique investment management firm anchored firmly in the principles of value investing.